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Chceš si prověřit své znalosti a dovednosti v oblasti kybernetické bezpečnosti? Jsi student či studentka střední školy a už ti bylo 15 a ještě ti nebylo 19 let? První kolo soutěže bylo vyhodnoceno. Výsledky prvního kola soutěže budou oznámeny jednotlivých soutěžícím emailem. První OSVĚTOVÉ kolo proběhne elektronicky od 28. Druhé VÝBĚROVÉ kolo proběhne elektronicky v březnu 2017.
M soccer vs NW Nazarene. Vball Tournament GU VS PSU. Vball Tournament GU vs UW. Incoming Freshman Brandon Sayegh Works for Others, Holds Four Patents.
May 2nd 2018 Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh. Join peers and cyber security experts to get an up-to-date brief on the latest developments, practice and innovative approaches in countering the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. Free places are available to the public sector on a first-come-first-served basis.
Promoting online safety throughout the State of Idaho. March 2018 - Top Tips to Securely Using Social Media. February 2018 - Securing Your Mobile Devices. January 2018 - Creating a Cybersecure Home. Cybersecurity Tips for College Students. Smart Homes Need Smart Security. It can be done! Your device does not support flash.
Senior Software Development Manager - Advertising Analytics. Robert Half The Creative Group. Systems Studies and Simulations Inc.
Click the button below to watch the sessions live on KSUTV. October 5, 2016 - Marietta. October 6, 2016 - Kennesaw. University Rooms; Carmichael Student Center. Arts, Culture and Museums.